Was he referring to the practical issues of running a household or the intangible elements only a mother can provide?
"It's about having a range of policies and also about the more intangible element, the cultural change."
Clearly, though, there are other intangible elements in the equation, and Charlie Brown's has them.
Yet customers of all types are to a bank what readers are to this newspaper - an important, but intangible, element of its value.
Stevens has also fostered the intangible element of friendship and camaraderie with everyone on a team.
We have our very top young musicians, and more importantly we have the intangible elements that will make great music.
Then there is the intangible element of art.
Engineers say doing so requires a well-designed plant, good control of the treatment process and a more intangible element: strong morale among plant workers.
Then there were the additional, intangible elements, combined with the preparation, persistence and mental toughness.
In the 21st century, however, intangible elements such as knowledge and information, creativity and a spirit of adventure are becoming key to increasing competitiveness.