Despite decades of efforts to integrate housing, he said, "to tell you candidly, I lost every one of those battles."
But most of all, many say, there was a clear record of elected officials having repeatedly rejected proposals to integrate housing.
The Federal suit did not block attempts at an agreement to integrate other state-subsidized housing; state officials are still pursuing that possibility.
IN the 1980s, Yonkers almost went bankrupt fighting a federal judge's order to integrate public housing before finally relenting.
The vast majority of builders successfully avoided integrating social housing in their new developments and instead opted for making a payment to the local council.
Are there peace groups in Israel working to integrate housing?
It is the first development in Singapore to integrate public housing, public transport and commercial facilities built together within a single complex.
The funds are awarded to communities, large and small, to address local challenges to integrating transportation and housing.
Experts differ widely on how powerful a force the new law will be in integrating American housing.
But the city failed to take steps to integrate housing.