We have seen Western European historical animosities fade and ethnic identities survive as nations become integrated into larger units.
Units of the Russian Corps cannot be integrated into German units, they are entirely independent.
Complexity stems from the interplay among levels of biological organization as energy and matter is integrated into larger units that superimpose onto the smaller parts.
The 24th was deactivated in 1951, and its soldiers were integrated into other units in Korea.
Eventually, though, that unit was disbanded and its personnel integrated into other units.
What remained of the 17th Pursuit Squadron was integrated into other American units in Australia.
This is usually the best time for infantry units to integrate replacements into units and to maintain equipment.
After 1992, the women were integrated into regular units.
Before President Truman's order of 1948, group cohesion was also used as an argument against integrating black soldiers into white units.
The regiment was largely disbanded and most of its soldiers were integrated into other units of the Prussian Army.