Grodzins studied integrating American neighborhoods in the early 1960s.
They dreamed of opening the parks to everyone, making the schools more responsive to minorities and integrating neighborhoods.
The Harlem Children's Zone in my Manhattan Congressional District exemplifies teacher innovation by integrating neighborhoods into a program that streamlines pre-school to high school graduation.
B5 A U.S. judge who has barred Yonkers from aiding developers until it acts to integrate neighborhoods by building public housing set a timetable for compliance.
Mr. Raby, who as co-chairman of the Chicago Freedom Movement worked to integrate neighborhoods here in the 1960's, fears a rapid changeover in the neighborhood will have "devastating effects on whites and blacks."
The city was less welcoming when black people started to integrate neighborhoods.
In addition to opening the door for thousands of minority students, he also led struggles to integrate neighborhoods, swimming pools, schools, and restaurants.
Following Gandhi's first rule of involving the community and finding out its priorities, this first group of Fisher's concentrated on integrating housing, repealing laws against integrating neighborhoods in Chicago, and integrating restaurants and amusement venues in Chicago.
They said that funds should be used for the rehabilitation of existing housing rather than in trying to integrate predominantly white neighborhoods.
Bloomfield has learned that integrating a town of 20,000 does not necessarily mean integrating individual neighborhoods.