Membrane dynamics in the spines are modelled using integrate and fire processes.
Just integrating higher-level thinking processes into the curriculum, though an important part of identifying and meeting the needs of the gifted, is not sufficient.
By 1956, Galanter had started working towards a theoretical model that would integrate cognitive processes into the behaviorist's stimulus-response framework.
As Kok summarizes, P3b appears to integrate processes that are required to identify and match a stimulus with some kind of internal representation.
Integrate e-democratic processes within broader constitutional structures and developments.
Leading companies are integrating various business intelligence applications and processes in order to achieve corporate performance management.
The document provides a holistic approach by integrating processes, applicable regulations and other relevant environment information.
Enterprise systems are complex software packages that offer the potential of integrating data and processes across functions in an enterprise.
Computer software which integrates all the key systems, processes and data held by a business to streamline processes, reduce costs and achieve greater integration.
Throughout her career Permar has worked in art education and displayed a commitment to integrating processes for learning and teaching into her artwork.