In immigration policy, the greens support further integration initiatives for immigrants.
Macro-regional integration initiatives, such as the European Union and NAFTA, have spurred the establishment of cross-border regions.
"Ed Miller had flip charts, which changed every month, tracking 19 integration initiatives," Mr. McCormick of First Manhattan Consulting said.
Their activities include monitoring the development of regional and subregional consultative processes focusing on migration, striving to move towards interregional convergence and regional integration initiatives.
Vinokurov further argues that open regionalism in Eurasia is an economically optimal supplement to regional integration initiatives, in particular to post-Soviet integration.
A national integration initiative to help immigrants become full participants in the political, social and economic fabric of the United States.
Maghreb integration has been spearheaded by the Maghreb Electricity Committee, with physical integration initiatives that began in the 1990s.
Although the implementation of integration initiatives will be done at local level, it has broader implications.
This feature of European policy is the envy of regional integration initiatives in other parts of the world.
Examples of core data integration initiatives could include: