All this intellectual analysis is very amusing," Carialle said, "but what are they saying?
As always, people are using data to confirm whatever radical, misguided, and/or biased beliefs they had in the first place, without serious or intellectual analysis.
Intuition, his strongest suit, and intellectual analysis, a concept he claims is foreign to him, merge within the limits of the game.
What lofty intellectual analysis would you like to pursue next?
This was a poetry characterized by a burning delight in intellectual analysis and a pure passion for knowledge.
Zen developed as a form of Buddhism that concentrated on direct experience rather than creeds, doctrines, or intellectual analysis.
In other words, bardolatry defines Shakespeare as the master of all human experience and of its intellectual analysis.
His gut reactions were at least as reliable as her intellectual analysis of character.
Ethical Inquiry, an intellectual analysis of ethical problems.
Critical intellectual analysis is our responsibility-to ourselves and to our students.