All of this gave them a certain intellectual celebrity and notoriety.
During the last two decades of his life Mou was something of an intellectual celebrity.
There's a lot more intellectual celebrity.
The various dramas each describe the relationship between Keller and Sullivan, depicting how the teacher led her from a state of almost feral wildness into education, activism, and intellectual celebrity.
Of course you can be better looking or more blonde or more married to intellectual celebrities or dour sports stars.
Like Sartre, Malraux was an intellectual celebrity.
During the 1980s and 1990s his books had gained a wide audience, and in his last years he became, to an extent, an intellectual celebrity, being published often in the French- and English-speaking popular press.
Beginning with the publication of her 1964 essay "Notes on 'Camp'", Sontag became an international cultural and intellectual celebrity.
Her 1951 masterwork, "The Origins of Totalitarianism," about the parallels between Hitler's Third Reich and Stalinist Russia, made her an intellectual celebrity.
The year was 1964, and the essay was by Susan Sontag, who was, I feel quite safe in saying, both the first and the last intellectual celebrity America has produced.