In academia, the peer review process is occasionally cited as suppressing dissent against "mainstream" theories (part of an overall system of "suppression of intellectual dissent").
After the National Party came to power in 1948 and ushered in apartheid, intellectual dissent was suppressed among whites as well as blacks.
No, Beijing will not cease persecution of intellectual dissent.
Apparently alarmed that the drive to silence critics was being carried too far, the Chinese leadership moved today to confine the campaign against intellectual dissent to the ruling Communist Party.
That inertia is natural enough, given decades of repression of intellectual dissent, denial of diversity and obsession with secrecy.
Mr. Shragin's major work on Soviet intellectual dissent was "The Challenge of the Spirit," published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1978.
Most amusingly, the Times denounced Gingrich for-of all things-his "implicit" belief that "intellectual dissent is unpatriotic and infuriating."
Chinese nationals studying in the United States sent an open letter to their Government expressing concern over its recent stifling of intellectual dissent.
To try to take charge was to telescope an evolutionary process from intellectual dissent to power politics that had taken succesful movements like Solidarity years to achieve.
After Qin Shi Huang became emperor Li Si persuaded him to suppress intellectual dissent.