Eventually, all of her intellectual faculties returned, said Dean Forbes, a hospital spokesman.
Working memory is a central intellectual faculty, linked to IQ, ageing, and mental health.
Under this view, a well-functioning intellectual faculty is a necessary condition for the formation of knowledge.
According to him, knowledge is warranted if one's intellectual faculties are operating as they are designed to.
Fizz's intellectual faculties were not operating on all cylinders.
It is vital that the Adept should train his intellectual faculties to tell him the truth, in the measure of their capacity.
It reminds us constantly of the danger of relying upon the intellectual faculties.
Here, intellectual faculties seem to take the lead over the affective one.
People look for high intellectual faculties to explain behavior of animals they respect, ignoring simpler explanations.
Plato maintains that there is a special intellectual faculty with which one can look at abstract objects.