Studies confirm that early intervention makes a difference, and a high level of intellectual functioning is not the only result.
This test is designed to provide a nuanced assessment of the individual's intellectual functioning, providing information about cognitive strengths and weaknesses in each of the four processes.
Studies of solvent effects on intellectual functioning, memory, and concentration were carried out in the Nordic countries, with Denmark spearheading the research.
The evaluators said Justin was given an I.Q. test at the hospital and scored "in the average range of intellectual functioning."
This work has its origins in the early intelligence test movement and, later, in a specific concern with creativeness as a possibly separable aspect of intellectual functioning.
The fear surged over him, temporarily usurping the intellectual functioning of his brain.
Standardized tests become a challenge for neglected children as they perform poorly on intellectual functioning and academic achievement.
This study produced findings that suggested that "individual differences in autistic traits are substantially genetically independent of intellectual functioning."
It is the essential condition for higher forms of intellectual functioning.
Alcohol depresses the nervous system, and taken in excess impairs intellectual functioning.