For nearly 40 years, Mr. Solarin, an unpretentious and intensely pugnacious man, has been an intellectual guru for Nigeria's disenchanted and disfranchised.
Mr. Solarin was an intellectual guru for Nigeria's disenchanted and disfranchised for four decades.
The chairman has no more power than the other members, he said, and he has told colleagues that he does not intend to be the commission's "intellectual guru."
He is the revered intellectual guru of Governor Bush and an author of "compassionate conservatism."
The Washington Post has dubbed Olson an "intellectual guru of tort reform."
A key phalanx of its intellectual gurus has, in fact, abandoned the secular underpinnings of the American constitutional experiment as a whole.
Early on, the movement found its intellectual guru in Richard Epstein.
The intellectual guru was Zbigniew Brzezinski, arguing for a long-term "squeeze" to induce Iraq to disgorge Kuwait.
'I will certainly not be an intellectual 'hands-off' guru merely thinking up schemes,'he said.
He was regarded in California, where he spent the latter part of his life, as a considerable intellectual guru.