Who has the stomach and intellectual heft to stand up to the deficit hawks?
He is the guy who is providing the intellectual heft, in effect, to modern-day Klansmen.
And to think there are some who say his good looks made up for a lack of intellectual heft!
Scott, on the other hand, brings intellectual heft.
Furthermore, they have no cadres of foundations, think tanks and scholars to give them intellectual heft.
He is creating a Center for Conservative Reform to add some intellectual heft to it.
This latter strand presents some provocative ideas about ownership, stewardship and cultural survival that add real intellectual heft to the book.
New Yorkers who need a frisson of danger and intellectual heft in their urban symbolism have found his arrival a bit disturbing.
People made fun of President Truman's intellectual heft and ability.
The new ingredient is feminism, which has added intellectual heft and political respectability to affairs, provided they are carried on by women.