Mikhail Gorbachev gets enormous coverage in the West for every act of intellectual openness and political discussion he permits.
Because of his unique position and his intellectual openness, he was able to maintain friendly relations with numerous colleagues from different schools in spite of splits and divisions'.
Dr. Summers's defenders say he is being tarred for the very intellectual openness that places like Harvard are supposed to encourage.
The Yeshiva emphasizes a commitment to rigorous Torah study, intellectual openness, intellectual disagreement and social consciousness.
The Yeshiva's diverse group of educators emphasize a commitment to rigorous Torah study, intellectual openness, and social consciousness.
"A major segment of the modern Orthodox community is looking for leadership that has that intellectual openness," said Rabbi Linzer, a 37-year-old scholar.
Did the demand for their replacement symbolize a threat to the university's diversity and intellectual openness?
The central problem is that a political party is ill-equipped to debate policy or philosophy because unity, not intellectual openness, is its highest virtue.
Coppedge's five-year tenure took Lausanne to new levels of intellectual openness, community exposure and general excellence.
Even before that, the political and intellectual openness he has helped bring to his country will wither.