The intellectual output of the Jews of Poland was reduced.
These journeys defined his life and intellectual output.
OECD publications are a prime vehicle for disseminating the Organisation's intellectual output, both on paper and online.
The Libraries also manage DSpace, a digital repository created to capture, preserve, and share MIT's intellectual output with the world.
Being an employee of a high tech company whose product is intellectual means that you have decided that you want to sell your intellectual output.
What is clear, though, is that Columbia's problem is linked to the widely pursued effort these days by universities to profit from the intellectual output of their professors.
Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output.
A number of universities, from the California Institute of Technology to M.I.T., are creating "institutional repositories" designed to harness their own intellectual output.
Instead, they hope to profit from their intellectual output by attaining tenure and renown.
An institutional repository is an online locus for collecting, preserving, and disseminating - in digital form - the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution.