He's developed not only intellectual skills, but also physical skills as well.
I came to see how in order to build a society, you need people of diverse temperament, social and intellectual skills.
"Whatever physical and intellectual skills I have cannot match the wisdom of your experience."
With a little discipline, anyone can polish basic intellectual skills and reclaim his brain.
The sophistication of teen-agers' emotions, however, may not keep up with the changes in their intellectual skills.
This change reflects more than their growing verbal and intellectual skills.
What if, instead of measuring a child's acquired knowledge and intellectual skills, the ability to learn was evaluated first?
The school's aim is to equip its students with intellectual and practical skills necessary to meet the challenges of the future.
It took a lot of literary and intellectual skills for a monk to succeed in this system.
They know that programming is a cheap intellectual skill and approach the software labor market accordingly.