A convenient plan for having peace in the intellectual world, and keeping all things going on therein very much as they do already.
But the idea runs even deeper, acting as a bridge between two intellectual worlds.
This shows man's power, and its ways of operation, to be much the same in the material and intellectual world.
But the library fellowship's low profile is not a surprise to some in the intellectual world.
They feel increasingly isolated in an economic, social and intellectual world that has long since abandoned Boston as its center.
Liberal theologians were trying to discover whether it was possible to believe and to belong to the modern intellectual world.
The flower of the artistic and intellectual world were revolutionists.
No one in the postmodern intellectual world is allowed to be better than anyone else.
"But before the political world took notice, the intellectual world was pretty much aware of her."
"I think he created the intellectual world I live in," one analyst said.