In the 1990s the Venona transcripts and some Soviet intelligence archives were made available.
The intelligence archive revealed that the shields iden-titled ships transporting leaders of the Alliance.
It was written by leading historians and experts who had been granted unprecedented access to British intelligence archives.
But few scholars can retrace their steps, since the intelligence archives were subsequently resealed.
He said the intelligence archives were part of the national patrimony and should be open for review by all agencies with proper jurisdiction.
That question never arose at the trials; now it is the question the Russian chief of intelligence archives has raised.
After the Croatian intelligence archives were opened, the defense asked for a new trial, but failed to gain one.
"No country opens its intelligence archives immediately after the fact."
He cites two: the military intelligence files and files of the foreign intelligence archive.
He has committed more manpower and money to unsealing intelligence archives than his predecessors did.