But Soviet intelligence detected nearly all of the efforts, and Dr. Coffin said the missions nearly always ended in disaster.
Senior Pentagon officials said this week that American intelligence had detected no significant weakening in these safeguards.
American intelligence detected the beginning of the Iraqi withdrawal on Tuesday, and spotted "more of it" today, a senior military official said.
German intelligence detected the movement of several of the armies involved, but were unable to detect their destination.
The opportunity arrived on October 12, when Israeli intelligence detected signs that the Egyptians were gearing up for a major armored thrust.
On the same day, American electronic intelligence detected that Soviet high-altitude surface-to-air missiles had become operational.
Once they were allowedin, they discovered a far more advanced nuclear weapons program than American intelligence had detected, involving equipment for uranium enrichment.
Within this time, Israeli and American intelligence could detect the intention and prevent the launchings, he said.
During this period, American intelligence had detected an increase in German radio activity in the North Atlantic.
At the time, he said, Polish intelligence had detected dozens of other clues supporting this thesis.