Instead, we've relied on covert intelligence gathered by merchant skippers on our payroll.
Ptolemy's map identifies 19 "towns" from intelligence gathered during the Agricolan campaigns.
Before their workout today, the Yankees' scouting staff will brief them on the intelligence gathered in the last six weeks.
The intelligence gathered for the predictions came in a rather chaotic, unscientific sampling of theater people.
The intelligence gathered on the raid was not of great value.
Human intelligence, gathered by spies, is usually carefully tested against unrelated sources.
The officials said they had learned of the man's movements during a review this week of the intelligence gathered in the weeks before the bombings.
Her Night Bomber squadron received its targets from intelligence gathered by the partisans.
Much of this work is built upon intelligence gathered from members of the public and business community.
Provided the intelligence gathered by General Gallagher is accurate, we should spot the mesa soon.