The artificial intelligence known as Xana is obsessed with world domination.
Quite a bit brighter than men, actually, when it comes to that kind of intelligence known popularly as "horse sense."
Soon after, she is once again possessed by the alien intelligence known as the Mara.
For the electronic intelligence known as the Vaere never disclosed itself to men.
They claim the real power lies with an artificial intelligence known as the Hoon.
This situation ties into the galaxy threatening danger of the immense intelligence known as the 'Totality'.
A new breed of computer experts called knowledge engineers are creating a form of artificial intelligence known as expert systems.
Layered is ruled by an artificial intelligence known as "The Controller", which dictates almost everything that happens in the world.
The Brigade functions with teams of four operatives, called a Hand since it reports to an artificial intelligence known as the Thumb.
He has also acquired an integrated computer by which he communicates with a powerful artificial intelligence known as Jane.