The Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms that emerged during the Dark Ages spoke a mutually intelligible Old English, though each would have varied in dialect.
An explanatory translation into intelligible English has been adopted and appropriate words have been placed within brackets to fill up the gaps which necessarily occur in every translation.
Asked why they were here, their answers were a jumble of eager but barely intelligible English.
Even without the bridge's linguistic translation matrices rendering the incoming message into intelligible English, the static-laced voice that carried it would have conveyed a crystal-clear message of desperation and fear all on its own.
After that, the only words of intelligible English: "35 Amble Place, Middlesbrough, England."
TRANSLATING scientific jargon about health, nutrition and food safety into intelligible English has traditionally been left to the popular press - newspapers, magazines and books.
He made no effort to better himself, despite his evident intelligence, or to improve a barely intelligible English or to reach out to fellow immigrants in their gradual rise.
Political preferences aside, my biggest objection to Dan Quayle's obtaining any national platform or office is his inability to speak intelligible English.
You like a Britisher, you love a dame, and you have learned to speak fairly intelligible English, thanks to Sarina.
Fennell's 247-page report attracted unanimity of praise both for its findings and for the fact that it was written in intelligible English.