It is whispered among the serving slaves that the Chama has never been taken by a man, thus the reason for her constant intemperate behavior.
The one suggestion of intemperate behavior comes from a sign in the judge's chambers.
The majority stressed not only Mr. Duckman's disregard for law but also "the abusive, intemperate behavior he manifested in dismissing those cases."
On a steamboat in the Ohio he delivered a sermon in which he rebuked Congressmen on board for their intemperate behavior.
Chase was not guilty of "high crimes and misdemeanors," as the Constitution required, but his partisanship and intemperate behavior on the bench made him politically vulnerable.
Through his intemperate behaviour he won widespread notoriety, completed the financial ruin of his family, and was the last of his name to bear the title.
The dangers that threaten us all may not be entirely of your making, but you are not improving matters by your intemperate behavior.
His imprisonment did little to assuage his intemperate behaviour.
Now other teams have to decide if they want to take a chance on his intemperate behavior.