Stone/Kolani eventually falls in love with a popular movie actress, who as it happens is a look-alike for his intended mate of long ago.
He announced his desire to serve back again on Thanagar for a while, living with his intended mate Qaylyra, another saurian.
But how could the community survive if the intended mate of its leader set a precedent by leaving?
"His intended mate awaits him."
They could afford one shuttle trip if it would save N'Veyan's life and perhaps that of his intended mate.
Then came the hooded, half-naked athletes, representing the array of Vulcan men from whom the bride could choose a champion to kill her intended mate.
She had deliberately enticed him, wooed him, and married him, so that she could offer him as bait to her real intended mate.
When an Amazon wishes to court another, the most interested Amazon presents herself before her intended mate and offers her a coconut.
Both of them have last-minute flings with people they (and we) like better than their intended mates.
Then each comes back to that intended mate, and all seems well.