The next intended operation was to be an amphibious assault on the western coast of Malaya, codenamed Operation Zipper.
Communication skills of the doctors in charge of these patients and the efficacy of written versus verbal information on the nature of the intended operation.
They had wanted to pass false information to the English, details of an intended operation which would in fact take place at a different place and a different time.
As had been the case during the Cambodian campaign, the government of Laos was not notified in advance of the intended operation.
Dual system/sensor installations may also be required depending on the intended operation or need.
This real-time tone adjustment was not part of the instrument's original intended operation.
By the 18th of November General Grant had issued instructions covering his intended operations.
There must be text along with it to describe various aspects of its intended operation.
She was also found to be carrying a large store of clothing, weapons, ammunition and tools for her troops' intended operations.
One argues that it was an intended military operation, prearranged following previous raids, with the express purpose of occupying a new homeland.