"Much of this did not reach the intended recipients."
Then came the question of where to put the contents and how to ensure that the intended recipients would find them.
But questions remained about where the ballots had gone and whether the intended recipients would be able to vote.
One account said they were received but then had to be hand-delivered to the intended recipients.
But there were not enough, even for the intended recipients.
More than 850 messages were sent to 17 people - none the intended recipients - some containing personal medical information.
The current government has concluded that most spending fails to reach its intended recipients.
Unfortunately, the list was old, and only 600 messages out of 10,000 made it through to the intended recipients.
I agree with you that sometimes money does not get to the intended recipients, and there should be better organisation.
Even when "paid" on paper, remediation has often failed to reach the intended recipients.