The first suite leaked online two weeks before its intended digital release.
Ultimately, Universal Pictures chose to shelve the film in late 2000, and the intended 2001 release was cancelled.
However, those projects were shut down during development, some just short of their intended commercial release.
This 12-song version was Ray's initial intended release for the European market.
Records had rejected his intended release, Läther.
He remained imprisoned for more than a decade, and was found hanged days before his intended release.
Innerspeaker marks the first time Parker has "recorded something for an intended release.
"Proof" was released on 21 June 2004 as a download-only single, but it did not receive its intended, full release.
The other edition was the intended release, with complete artwork and packaging.
The film rights to the play State of the Union were acquired in late 1946, with an intended release before the presidential election in 1948.