Even I myself laugh thinking about it and forget the pain, the fact that behind each of these self-imposed restrictions lie experiences of intense anguish.
IN the months since charges were filed, I have heard people profess intense anguish that Michael Jackson might "get away with it."
His most recent visit nearly five years earlier had been one of intense personal anguish: a final debriefing after they'd revoked his commission.
They lay with their hearts in the grip of an intense anguish.
He vividly recalled lying on the floor in intense anguish, his right side feeling numb.
His eyes were terrible to see, and an intense anguish radiated from him.
Think of that: they needed to create a new word, because there was nothing in the language that could describe the intense anguish caused during the crucifixion.
We passed the remainder of this night in a state of the most intense mental and bodily anguish that can possibly be imagined.
It sounded as if each and every CRLT was suffering intense physical or mental anguish.
Mackey, under intense anguish, physically struck her in order to make her story appear authentic.