To Nora's intense annoyance she had been forced to take a lodger who was involved in essential war work.
George was working her intense annoyance out of herself.
Then, to his intense annoyance, the horse began to crow-hop.
A look of intense annoyance succeeded.
To her own intense annoyance, Sarah heard herself apologising breathlessly, "I'm sorry you've had such a long wait.
Even at this moment, to his intense annoyance, Roderick couldn't help but be struck by his brother's handsomeness, verging on beauty.
T. X. found himself to his intense annoyance going very red.
This time, however, they swung behind Glinnes and, to his intense annoyance, tripped him.
To my intense annoyance, she let me.
'That is so sensible,' said Dan, to Lucy's intense annoyance.