Because intense aromas can bring on a bout of nausea, the covers are lifted before the tray is brought in the room.
The leaves have a lightly bitter taste due to its tannins, and an intense minty aroma.
Yeast cultures on the outside create a reddish color and intense aroma.
When young, the wines offer a very intense aroma of fresh red and blackberries.
A 1988 Traviglini Gattinara ($28) is a robust red with an intense earthy aroma.
The shape helps trap the volatiles, while allowing swirling to agitate them and produce an intense aroma.
Well-made sweet Scheurebe wines can show intense aromas of blood grape and honey.
Sunny days and cooler nights will produce more intense aroma in the leaves.
Pico cheese has a salty taste and a, characteristically, intense aroma.
"I think what strikes you the most is that it's such an intense aroma," he continued.