In Moscow, the characteristic errors are obsessive secrecy and intense attachment to enormous systems of offensive overkill.
His sudden departure provided the latest collision between the intense emotional attachment of sports and the bottom lines.
She recalled, "It was before I understood the intense, personal attachment the readers have to the characters.
She has an intense and profound attachment to her child, which may be interpreted as her inability to let go of maternal responsibilities.
Isolated from most of the world, Mary developed conflicting, intense emotional attachments to her slaves.
"These people were in our houses for so long, and we've forgotten how intense our attachments to them were."
An intense emotional attachment to objects that others see as trivial - or even trash.
"Transference-love" is a Freudian term for certain feelings of intense attachment developed by a patient toward his analyst within the analytic situation.
Yet Cobb's intense attachments and prejudices also set distinct limits on his achievement.
You wrench yourself out of the life-flow, drawn by your intense attachment to your old desires.