The territorial flight of the adult Golden Eagle is sometimes preceded or followed by intense bouts of undulating displays.
Caryll was said to compose very quickly in intense bouts.
They theorized that the body needs to replace the oxygen used by working muscles during mild to intense bouts of exercise.
He also began experiencing intense bouts of stagefright.
On July 21, during an intense bout of shelling, two mortar rounds fell on the compound, killing 20 and wounding more than 50.
Exercise addiction is thought to be related to the euphoric feelings resulting from the rapid release of endorphins that occurs during intense bouts of exercise.
An American chef I know told me about a dream he had in Tokyo after an intense bout of professional eating.
Like Bergman, he has his demons; he is prey to crippling panic attacks and intense bouts of self-doubt.
Brett thought suddenly about his father and his mother - the butterfly life between intense bouts of painting.