Along with intense close-ups, the use of black and white creates a warm, intimate look.
HenrÃquez's first collection provides intense close-ups of young Panamanians whose lives are in enormous flux.
Especially glamorous is Roses, an intense close-up of pink blossoms, above.
From "All My Children" to "The Young and the Restless," such declarations are also framed by glycerine tears, gauzy lighting and intense close-ups.
From these first tentative experiments he evolved a style based on extreme perspective shots taken from above or below, as well as intense close-ups.
These intense close-ups of nature emphasize convex and concave shapes and the shadow forms they create.
Henríquez's fiction provides intense close-ups of young Panamanians whose lives are in enormous flux.
Carrey asked for an "intense close-up" from the camera, spoke in a deep voice and put sunglasses on.
Fuller was known for using intense close-ups, off centered framings, and shock editing in many of his films, which were often about men facing death in combat.
Nevertheless, he employs the kind of intense close-ups that leave you wondering if the camera crews weren't actually prowling around the stage.