To that last hour of all, there hung a cloud of intense gloom and devout sorrow over your household.
He opened his tanjian eye, re-imagined the room, its dimensions clearer to him now than they had been with normal sight impaired by the intense gloom.
Maybe they were happy, but the approaching carnage only filled Jason with an intense gloom.
She perceived only darkness and an intense, overwhelming gloom.
He was a stocky man in patched coveralls whose only expression was one of intense gloom.
It was dark inside the shop beyond the door, too dark to see anything, and somehow, his eyes wouldn't accustom themselves to the intense gloom.
These pinpoints of brilliance seemed to deepen, rather than brighten, the intense gloom.
The buses took us into the tunnels through the thickets and we were surrounded by intense gloom.
Descending a short flight of darkened stairs, The Shadow used his flashlight to pierce the intense gloom of a musty room.
"It's my first and last battle, old boy," said the latter, with intense gloom.