These intense moods quickly change from one extreme to another without a clear reason.
Palmer laughed, trying to help lift the intense mood Scot had slipped into, but it didn't work.
"The crisis has created an intense mood of demoralization and skepticism," he explained.
She attempted to break through his intense mood with her no-nonsense tone.
I wanted to stay in the intense, dark mood of my Kikuta side that made me fearless.
On such occasions an interesting opportunity is offered to study Edison in his intense and constructive moods.
The remote setting contributed to the intense, almost confessional mood of the recording.
But nearly 12% develop a more intense dark mood that lingers even as their baby thrives.
It may take a little time, but you realize that light is moving, and that puts you in a more intense mood.
He closed his eyes; he knew very well how intense the mood would be.