He applied himself to business with intense seriousness of purpose.
He is named Jude and nicknamed "Little Father Time" because of his intense seriousness and moroseness.
She raised her eyes and met his with intense seriousness.
Yet from the start he projected an air of intense seriousness.
Typically, however, it is merely a cover for an intense seriousness of purpose.
I was about to express my disbelief when I remembered the intense seriousness of the man.
She smiled; she had a quick, catching smile, but the young man listened with unchanging, intense seriousness.
What makes the coupling so distinctive is the intense seriousness of these two people.
Thin and asceticlooking, his face had more the intense seriousness of a lifelong student than the careful awareness Brim associated with military professionals.
Hence the intense seriousness with which the author takes his vocation and why he believes theater is not just necessary but vital to human survival.