It is intensely bitter and some users add other flavorings to the tea to mask the bitterness.
This is causing intensely bitter feeling between the players, as well as injury.
Some of the hybrids became intensely bitter.
The race, in which the candidates are spending a total of more than $1 million, has become intensely bitter.
It comes in white balls, is intensely bitter, and a powerful cathartic.
The whole plant is intensely bitter, and is sometimes used as a tonic, and also in dyeing yellow.
Few plants could survive the combination of the summer's shallow thawed-out soil and the intensely bitter winds of winter.
With amusement, Nicholas saw Tomkin wince slightly at the intensely bitter taste.
Causing intensely bitter feeling between players as well as injury.
Raw berries should be cooked and sweetened before being eaten because they have an intensely bitter flavour.