The November numbers come as hunger-relief advocates have intensely criticized the city for mishandling the program.
The nomination has been intensely criticized for articles Ms. Guinier wrote on the Voting Rights Act that her critics say make her a proponent of extreme race-based proposals.
But the player, Horwitz and even Jeff Torborg, the manager of the Mets, were all intensely criticized for not being forthcoming about the incident.
Some conservatives have intensely criticized Doonesbury.
The F.B.I. is being intensely criticized for intelligence failures before Sept. 11.
He was intensely criticized by the local media throughout this term.
The game's lack of difficulty was intensely criticized.
The project has been intensely criticized: it appears that far fewer visitors are coming to the park than was forecast by proponents of the project, resulting in significant losses.
Yet as the House scandals have unfolded, Mrs. Foley has been intensely criticized.
As time went on, that view was intensely criticized.