But even after four decades, they seem intensely engaged in their work as musicians.
He was intensely engaged in life, always aware of the present while impatiently forcing his way into the future.
He is intensely engaged with art history, most often referencing other artists as well as the world around him.
He glanced back at the corner table, where Tom, Lynette, and Ben were intensely engaged in conversation.
Already during his school time Andrey was intensely engaged in higher mathematics.
Across the country, a scattered but influential collection of intellectuals is intensely engaged in making the case for slavery.
I think you have a person who is intensely engaged by intellectual things.
As a painter, Spalding tells us, Grant tended to be both intensely engaged and curiously detached.
In prison, Muehl was intensely engaged with works of visual arts; he painted about 300 pictures and wrote extensively about art theory.
Some were intensely engaged, others drifted for awhile.