COM involves intensive management of free-living animals at the individual rather than population level.
Under intensive management they can produce 6000 to 8000 kg of milk per lactation, and as much as 10,000 from the best cows.
These services involve intensive clinical management focused solely on high-risk patients at home.
Experience has shown that monetization requires intensive management and is fraught with risks.
This reflected a trend away from the intensive management of natural processes that had begun in the mid-1960's.
Translocation of vulnerable Kakapo, followed by intensive management and supplementary feeding, has increased the population from 50 individuals to 123.
Active recreation such as team sports, due to the need to provide substantial space to congregate, typically involves intensive management, maintenance, and high costs.
Evidence towards intensive medical management has grown over the past decades.
In the last 25 years, through intensive management, the state's wild sheep population has roughly tripled, to about 7,600.
This will require sensitive and intensive management to absorb this change seamlessly.