Many of the individuals will have limited recovery, but the majority will improve from intensive, specialised rehabilitation.
Career has been blighted by injury and most recently a tear to his groin forced him to undergo intensive rehabilitation.
Couples, 34, has been undergoing intensive rehabilitation to strengthen the muscles in his lower back.
He decided not to follow the doctors' orders, and chose intensive rehabilitation.
Bedell delayed college and went through intensive rehabilitation and weight training.
After two years of intensive rehabilitation that included water exercise, he is a top scorer once again - for the Washington Bullets.
And I think he should have had a more intensive rehabilitation.
Llanes continues to undergo intensive rehabilitation and as of late 2008 she could move her left leg.
Approximately 350 oiled sea otters were rescued, and over the next five months given intensive rehabilitation.
They returned to Blythedale after each operation, for intensive rehabilitation.