Hamish had the serious, intent expression of one taking careful notes.
Pharesm swung about with a suddenly intent expression.
"Monday morning, "Steven nodded, and went on studying his brother with a peculiarly intent expression.
Jim saw Scotty watching her with an uncertain, intent expression, as if he was beginning to understand what she was about.
He turned to see Sahna watching him, an oddly intent expression on her face.
The low winter sun shone full upon the villagers, gilding their clothes and weapons and their strange, intent expressions.
Liane and I--" She looked at Tenoctris, standing nearby with a cheerful, intent expression. "
Rather strange people come along with tape measures and rather hworryingly intent expressions, but I don't think they ever find anything.
'It would be if you didn't owe me,' Luke conceded indifferently, no trace of compunction there to soften his mercilessly intent expression.
The Eyes of the Overworld Pharesm swung about with a suddenly intent expression.