Activism consists of intentional efforts to promote or prevent social, political, economic, or environmental change.
It is an action that is an intentional effort.
Moynihan believed that they were an intentional effort to make it impossible for liberals to expand the federal government.
Department officials said there had not been an intentional effort to delay the release of the new material.
The idea here is whether there's an intentional effort to deceive people about what's going on.
Explicit memory requires conscious and intentional effort for recall.
Allusion differs from the similar term intertextuality in that it is an intentional effort on the author's part.
It is an action committed through the body, speech, or mind, and involves an intentional effort.
His arrest was interpreted as an intentional effort to thwart the campaign.
These immigration laws were intentional efforts to control the composition of immigrant flow into the United States.