You're sure this was an intentional injury?
Even the dwarf rabbit is much stronger than the guinea pig and may cause intentional or inadvertent injury.
Murray was again tried and convicted of intentional injury to a child, receiving a 25-year sentence.
An indicator of intentional and recurrent injury.
Neighborhoods of low socioeconomic status are associated with higher rates of intentional injuries (violent crime).
It is estimated that about one third of alcohol-related deaths are due to accidents (32%), and another 14% are from intentional injury.
Within the field of public health, efforts are also made to prevent or reduce "intentional injury."
Lacresha was promptly convicted of criminally negligent homicide and intentional injury to a child.
He tells his invisible audience, "She never did intentional injury to anyone.
If intentional injury is suspected, the child's caregiver will be charged and tried in a criminal court.