One suggests that the performance of composite bats increases with repeated use, and the other states that players can intentionally alter the composite bat.
In the animated episode "Yesteryear," he intentionally alters the flow of history for the purpose of saving both his mother's life and his own.
No mental effort is required toward intentionally altering physiological processes (e.g., respiration rate, muscle relaxation, etc.).
Animal population control is the practice of intentionally altering the size of any animal population besides humans.
"Intentionally altering a concept or phrase, or using it in a different context, so as to subvert the meaning."
She intentionally alters her writing style for each book-length work, although tends to not to stray too far from the form of the sentence and the issue of civic referentiality.
They then give him an assignment-to intentionally alter the past.
Finally, though, the most cyberian element of the brain virus machine is the idea, or meme, that human beings should feel free to intentionally alter their consciousnesses through technology.
At times programs intentionally alter the memory used by other programs.
They have run out of excuses, which is why they intentionally altered the look of fur.