In addition to this, households, as the most basic socioeconomic units, interacted dynamically with larger social, economic, and political institutions.
Furthermore, God's prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying grace interact dynamically in the lives of Christians from birth to death.
Based on previously-recorded lap times, they serve only to represent the fastest lap time and do not interact dynamically with other competitors.
Dynamic systems modeling can capture and express how different processes interact dynamically when developmental hierarachies are built.
As a result, the orbital elements of the planets change fairly rapidly as they dynamically interact with one another.
Agent-based models consist of dynamically interacting rule-based agents.
Genetic variation interacts with experiential and environmental factors dynamically, varying across stages of development.
Doc files and objects interact dynamically.
The group does not have a leader, but instead interact with each other dynamically.
For example, Smalltalk (1980), which was designed to be interpreted at run-time, allows generic objects to dynamically interact with each other.