Sensitivity of helicopter blade-vortex-interaction noise and vibration to interaction parameters.
The mixing rules should not employ more than a single binary interaction parameter, which should be independent of temperature pressure and composition.
Your objection is, I think, to the attractive interaction parameter in the van der Waals equation.
The value of S is primarily determined by the interaction parameter, H'.
Electric and magnetic fields can modify these interaction parameters of a substance, depending a lot on which substance it is.
In here and are the dimensionless interaction parameters, which are related to the interaction energy parameters and by:
To describe phase equilibria over a large temperature regime, i.e. larger than 50 K, the interaction parameter has to be made temperature dependent.
However, if there is a nonzero interaction parameter, this is an indication of nonuniform DIF.
VTPR use only the residual part calculated from interaction parameters between groups.
The semantics of the protocol are confederation-dependent, where the set of classes, class attributes, interactions, and interaction parameters are variable.