An interactive center to help kids learn about the United States House of Representatives and its role in lawmaking.
The plan called for construction of a 115,000-square-foot interactive center for state history, near Trinity College.
The Tech, an interactive center for kids and adults, is at 145 West San Carlos Street; (408) 279-7150.
Forget about Niketown, Warner Brothers and the like, which really serve mostly as giant advertisements for their brands rather than truly interactive centers.
It is an interactive centre of the sciences of marine biology, oceanography and the sea in general.
We offer information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center where you can give opinions and test your water knowledge.
"A sample event that occurs at the interactive center could include a tutorial on how to plan a trust," the application said.
The building's ground floor is to be used as an interactive center featuring hospital history and artifacts.
An interactive center for ages 2 to 8.
Its biggest single attraction, after the architecture itself, is Science City, an interactive center where children seem to explode in delight and wild play.