This feature provided the user with the ability to create interactive menus and scrollable data lists.
The feature debuted on the cable network G4 when began playing episodes of Star Trek along with showing interactive menus.
The TV Key service is available to all Sky subscribers through the interactive menu and all channels.
It includes easy to read lyrics, photographs & interactive menus, picture sleeve.
The installation features a revolutionary interactive menu to access the visions of the future, which are projected onto a life-size video screen.
The disc also includes interactive menus with scene selection.
An interactive menu accessible through the phone's Internet browser notifies the company if the user is safe or in distress.
I started by hitting the information desk, where there are now computerized stations that have interactive menus with schedules, maps and the like.
The release also includes 16 remixes and interactive menus featuring ambient music created by the band.
Special features for the DVD include interactive menus, scene selection and the original theatrical trailer.