Bender's research has attempted to build upon the interactive styles associated with existing media and extend them into domains where a computer is incorporated into the interaction.
Children who entered the study with higher initial scores on the vocabulary test showed greater gains when adult readers used the performance-oriented interactive style.
The result sounded freely improvised, and clearly taken from the Cecil Taylor song book; the group's drummer, Susie Ibarra, kept things going with an interactive, coloristic style.
It was this understanding that Bill Larnach's humorous, bantering, interactive style of teaching was designed to achieve.
In a non-technical sense, Infocom was responsible for developing the interactive style that would be emulated by many later interpreters.
The Theatre of the Oppressed is an interactive style that originated in Brazil and has been exported to over 70 countries on five continents.
The new format seemed aimed at attracting and engaging visitors in the increasingly interactive style of "social news," or blog aggregator Web sites.
Poetry is especially well suited to this interactive style of presentation.
She also writes a column and produces a show called "Spotlight: Walking the Walk" hosted on Chic Today an interactive style and entertainment website.
Space Invaders popularized a more interactive style of gameplay with the enemies responding to the player controlled cannon's movement.